"I strongly believe in the power of visual communication. good design has the power to change the world."
It goes beyond just looking good; good design solves problems, improves functionality, and enhances experiences. It has the power to transform industries, improve lives, and shape a better future for everyone.
I bring that passion for excellence to everything I do and every client I work for.
Although graphic design is the main language I speak, equally exciting to me has always been the power of the written word, and the psychology of how people perceive and interact with brands — something I’ve spent over twenty years putting into practice.
Where it all started
I grew up obsessed with computers and technology, and was always taking things apart to see how they worked.
That curiosity stayed with me as grew up. During my first year at University I discovered the Internet. This was back in the mid-nineties, long before Google, Facebook or Twitter were a thing – in fact, very few companies or organisations even had a website back then.

I taught myself HTML in my spare time by deciphering the source-code of other pages; there were no books to learn from — it wasn’t even part of the syllabus back then. Crafting my very first webpage was more of an experiment than a planned endeavor.
Up until that moment, studying on my first year of a computer science degree, I assumed my future was going to be more technical. Maybe I’d become a programmer, or an engineer of some sort, I didnt really know for sure. But the first time I used a web browser (NCSA Mosaic), I realised this technology was going to change everything, both for me personally and also the wider world.
This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build some of the first commercial websites, so I put my degree on hold to start a business doing exactly that. I didn’t realise it at the time, but I was becoming a creative designer.
Absorbing knowledge
I bought a Mac, and taught myself Photoshop — version 3.0 at the time (they just added this new feature called “layers” – seemed like it might be useful)

Switching to Mac brought with it a switch to a more creative mindset, and made me see the value in the details of my work. I’ve always been a big software guy, and while Adobe’s tools were the same on both platforms, the whole Apple scene was alive with incredible software – everything was nicer to use, worked seamlessly, and looked beautiful. It was inspiring.
Over the years that followed, clients came to me with increasingly complex demands. I taught myself new software tools like Dreamweaver, Flash, Director, as well as learning new skills like photography & videography.
Honing my skills
Then, in the mid-2000’s, while in search of a fresh challenge, I joined a small estate agency desperately in need of assistance with their marketing. I found myself learning and using new tools, such as InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere and After Effects, and heading up a growing in-house studio. When I left the business after 18 years to operate as a freelancer, it had grown from 4 to 40 branches.
Throughout my whole career I’ve been fuelled by a passion for design. Whether it’s crafting a compelling brand identity or building exciting creative campaigns, I approach each project with the same enthusiasm that ignited my journey all those years ago.
If that sounds like someone you’d like to work with, let’s talk.